Runner states
A runner can have several states.
Create ongoing
The runner creation is ongoing and not finished.
Create error
The runner creation has failed. Mainly due to an issue of provisioning on the cloud provider side: runner resource is unavailable, lack of resources, or issue on cloud provider provisioning API. When you are in this state you can retry the creation of the runner using the console.
The runner is allocated and running. You can deploy container services on it. Metrics are collected. When you are in this state you can ask for a runner deletion. Note that you should have no container service running on that runner to be able to delete safely your runner.
Delete ongoing
The runner deletion is ongoing and not finished.
Delete error
The runner deletion has failed. This can be due to an issue on the cloud provider side (availability of its API, issue during deleton). When you are in this state you can retry the deletion of the runner using the console.